Friday, October 2, 2009

Wall Art - Things Change

Abstract Art forms has indeed fascinated many art lovers for their intricate themes, subjective interpretation and intriguing plots. There could be nothing more interesting than to puzzle out the meaning in an abstract wall art or draw one’s own conclusions therein. Things Change is one such abstract art with a simple enough caption but with a very complicated theme. This art is captivating not merely for the objects that are included in there but also for its unique color scheme that too adds a dimension to its interpretation. Glowing spheres, gold and silver spirals, mystery orbs, abstract musical notations, gold and silver rings and flowers that are depicted in this art work is suggestive of so many things. The colors burgundy, black and silver complement each other to bring out a resplendent image. Has the artist in this work of art put together random images from his imagination or is there something more to it - it is for the viewer to perceive. This stylish wall art is sure to add sophistication to a living room and enhance the overall beauty of the home decor.